Electronics And Communication Engineering – A Detailed Guide & Career Scope

Electronics and Communication Engineering is an interdisciplinary programme which is a combination of two domains – Communication and Electrical Engineering. When we specifically look at electrical engineering, it is a science that explains and deals with the application of electricity and electromagnetism across various appliances. This ECE domain mainly involves designing and large-scale manufacturing of […]

What is Cloud Computing? Everything You Need to Know
What is Cloud Computing? Everything You Need to Know

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, databases, networks, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the Internet to provide faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Cloud computing is one of the IT services that companies are offering to other companies. Why companies are moving to the cloud? Here are […]

Graphical Password Authentication System
All You Need To Know About Graphical Password

Today, people don’t go to banks to make transactions, to billboards to pay bills, or to train stations to make train reservations. All of these time-consuming and non-productive tasks are made easier by the Internet. Everyone accesses the relevant portal/site or uses a smartphone app to perform these tasks. There are many areas that require […]

Aerial Photography Using Remote Flying Robot
Aerial Photography Using Remote Flying Robot

Aerial photography is the method of taking a photograph of an area taken from a place above the ground. Nowadays Aerial photography is developed so much, thus it is used for so many purposes such as land surveys, movies, weddings, etc. The aerial photograph gives us a better understanding of what’s around the area. Since […]