What is Cloud Computing? Everything You Need to Know

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, databases, networks, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the Internet to provide faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Cloud computing is one of the IT services that companies are offering to other companies.

Why companies are moving to the cloud?

Here are the three reasons that companies like to go with cloud computing.

  1. Agility:

Cloud gives you easy access to a wide range of technologies so you can innovate faster and build almost anything you can imagine. From infrastructure services such as computing, storage, and databases, to the Internet of Things, machine learning, data lakes, analytics, and more, you can quickly provision resources as needed.

Technology Services can be delivered in minutes, taking orders of magnitude faster from idea to implementation. This gives you the freedom to experiment and test new ideas to differentiate your customer experience and transform your business.

  1. Elasticity:

With cloud computing, there is no need to pre-provision excess resources to meet future peaks in business activity. Instead, it gives you the number of resources you actually need. You can scale these resources up or down to instantly increase or decrease capacity as your business needs change.

  1. Cost Savings:

Cloud allows you to replace fixed costs (such as data centers and physical servers) with variable costs and pay only for IT as you consume it. And with As a result of economies of scale, your variable costs are much lower than what you would pay yourself.

Key Benefits of Cloud Computing:

  • Speed ​​:

Because most cloud computing services are self-service and on-demand, even large amounts of computing resources can be provisioned in minutes, typically with just a few mouse clicks, giving organizations a lot of flexibility to provide, and squeezing capacity requires planning.

  • Global Scaling:

The benefits of cloud computing services include elastic scaling. In cloud terms, this means delivering the right amount of IT resources (processing power, storage, bandwidth, etc.) exactly when you need them, from the right geographic location.

  • Productivity:

On-premises data center typically requires a lot of “racking and stacking” of setting up hardware, patching software, and other time-consuming IT administration tasks. Cloud computing eliminates many of these tasks, freeing IT teams to focus on more important business goals.

  • Performance:

The largest cloud computing services run in a worldwide network of secure data centers that are regularly upgraded to the latest generation of fast and efficient computing hardware. This offers several advantages over a single enterprise data center, including lower network latency for applications and better economies of scale.

  • Security:

Many cloud providers offer a wide range of policies, technologies, and controls that help strengthen your overall security posture and protect your data, applications, and infrastructure from potential threats.

What are the Cloud Securities You Should Know?

  1. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM):

Admins or CSPM examine cloud platform account configurations to identify misconfigurations that can lead to data breaches or data exfiltration. CSPM helps organizations build trust with their users for security and protection. Automate security and ensure compliance in the cloud.

  1. SDLC and DevSecOps in the cloud:

Enterprises now rely heavily on DevSecOps, a new model that takes full responsibility for implementing security. With security and accountability implemented for everyone, businesses will not suffer problems.

Key benefits of implementation include code vulnerabilities, IaaC technology, application exploitation methods, and reduced downtime. Integrating DevSecOps into your current DevOps pipeline will improve the overall security of your SDLC.

  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM):

Identity and Access Management (IAM) refers to the permissions provided to user accounts. User account authentication and authorization management still apply here. Access control is essential to prevent both legitimate and malicious users from infiltrating and compromising sensitive data and systems. Password management, multi-factor authentication, and other methods fall within the scope of IAM.


Cloud security is a branch of cyber security focused on protecting cloud-based data, applications, and infrastructure from cyber threats. This includes keeping your data private and secure on our cloud-based platform. Securing such systems requires efforts from both the cloud provider and the customers who use them. At its core, cloud security is a set of technologies, protocols, and best practices aimed at protecting cloud environments, applications running in the cloud, and data stored in the cloud. Understanding what exactly is being secured in the cloud is the first step in understanding cloud security.

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Student name: Ragavan B
Department: Computer Science and Engineering