If you are not aware, let us tell you that robotics is the study of robots which you can also learn at KCE, the Best engineering college in Coimbatore. Robots are machines that can be used to do jobs. Some robots can do work by themselves. Other robots must always have a person telling them what to do.
NASA uses robots in many different ways. Robotic arms on spacecraft can move large objects in space. Robotic spacecraft can visit other worlds. Robotic airplanes can fly without a pilot aboard. NASA is studying new types of robots. These will work with people and help them.
What is a robotic arm?
A ‘robot arm’ will fly to International Space Station. Here’s all you need to know:
The robot arm will be able to handle multi-tonne payloads with a large range of motion for assembly tasks, the space agency said, adding that this ‘smart spacewalker’ will serve as the “main manipulator” on the Russian segment of the International Space Station.
At KCE, Top engineering college in Coimbatore you’ll learn that how well robots help explore space. Spacecraft that explore other worlds, like the moon or Mars, are robots. These include orbiters, landers and rovers on other planets. The Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity are robots. Other robotic spacecraft fly by or orbit other worlds. These robots study planets from space. The Cassini spacecraft is this type of robot. Cassini studies Saturn and its moons and rings. The Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft are now traveling beyond our solar system. They are also robots. People use computers to send messages to the spacecraft. The robots have antennas that pick up the message commands. Then the robot does what the person has told it to do.
Talking about the popular names, NASA is developing new robots to help people in space. One of these ideas is called Robonaut. Robonaut looks like the upper body of a person. It has a chest, head and arms. Robonaut could work outside a spacecraft. It could do work like an astronaut on a spacewalk. With wheels or another way of moving, Robonaut could work on another world. Robonaut could help astronauts on the moon or Mars.
Whereas, the European Space Agency (ESA) is preparing to send a robotic arm outside the planet, its destination being the International Space Station (ISS). Built by engineers of aerospace company Airbus, the European Robotic Arm (ERA) is headed towards the Russian segment of the space station, where it will remain in service.
The robotic arm has already been installed into the new Russian multipurpose laboratory module, also known as ‘Nauka’ (the Russian word for ‘science’). The module will be launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on a Proton rocket by Roscosmos, the Russian space agency.
The robotic arm in space will be able to handle multi-tonne payloads with a large range of motion for assembly tasks, the space agency said, adding that this ‘smart spacewalker’ will serve as the “main manipulator” on the Russian segment of the International Space Station. With the robotic arm in the space station, astronauts will also be free to do other work during spacewalks. Moreover, the robotic arm is also equipped with cameras to inspect the outside of the space station for any signs of caution.