Highest paid Electrical Engineering jobs in India

Electrical Engineering is the recently introduced branch in Engineering. It is all about designing and testing new electrical systems and also developing them. This involves the application of the knowledge of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism to work on various devices and systems. Electrical engineers are usually expected to earn more, which is said to be more than the national average salary. KCE, one of the top Engineering colleges in Coimbatore, is committed towards creating efficient Electrical engineers for the future.

1. Electrical Engineer

There is a wide scope for growth in an Electrical Engineering job that guarantees job security, very good pay and lot of new experiences. It is one of the most profitable jobs and since the demand for Electrical engineers is increasing day by day, the profitability is expected to grow further. Electrical engineers work with devices ranging from a tiny one to an aircraft.

2. Power Engineer

Power Engineering is a branch of electrical engineering which deals with the use of electric power and electrical appliances that are connected. Power Engineering job pays well and most importantly, it is less stressful. There is enough job security and one need not worry about the stability of the industry.

3. Telecommunications Engineer

Telecommunications Engineering is introduced to improve the telecommunication systems. The main responsibility is to design and supervise the installation of equipment facilitating the functioning of telecommunication system. It includes the installation of telephones, optic fiber, IP networks etc. It is a job that pays well and it will get you job opportunities in India and foreign countries as well. KCE, one of the best Electronics and Telecommunication colleges in Coimbatore provides the students with essential knowledge about telecommunication.

4. Electrical Design Engineer

Electrical Design Engineering deals with the designing, developing and testing of various electrical and power generation equipment. It includes the designing of electrical systems that are used in aircraft and automobiles. This job offers an above average pay and one needs to have strong critical thinking skills to achieve big in this field.

5. Micro Electrical Engineer

Micro Electrical engineers are responsible for making the prototypes of electronic circuit boards, chips and semiconductors. They manufacture very small electronic components and also the chips that are used in the electrical and electronic devices which we use daily. It is one of the most well-paid and desired jobs in Electrical Engineering.

6. Instrumentation Engineer

Instrumentation Engineering is all about the designing, management and installation of various machines. Instrumentation engineers are hired by manufacturing industries and chemical industries and they are paid well. These engineers optimize the productivity of the systems and this creates more demand for them among others. KCE, one of the best Electrical and Electronics Engineering colleges in Coimbatore creates more placement opportunities for Electronic engineers.

Karpagam College of Engineering, one of the best engineering colleges in Coimbatore, is committed towards providing quality education with modern technology and create proficient engineers. With accreditation’s from top organizations, the aim of KCE is to create future leaders with exemplary knowledge and skills.