AI’s Role In Smart Cities: Ten Ways To Use It

Artificial intelligence is becoming a more integral component of the future architecture of our cities every day. It has already been shown to be one of the most beneficial tools that computer technology has provided to humanity and is assisting us in developing a smarter and more effective society. The fact that top Coimbatore colleges and universities in India are offering courses to students demonstrates how artificial intelligence awareness and its potential are growing.

Artificial intelligence applications in smart cities can change people’s lives if used in the appropriate places. Cities and urban development have several areas where AI can boost system performance and effectiveness. Then, smart cities are able to manage traffic, garbage, and maintenance while also anticipating energy use, pollution hazards, and environmental effects.

In this list, look at these ten ways artificial intelligence makes it feasible for smart cities to have less of an impact on climate change, smarter choices, and higher quality of life.

Smart Cities Can Use Artificial Intelligence in These 10 Ways:

  1. Preventing Pollution

    AI model is used to analyse the measurement information obtained from current low-cost sensor devices. Also, AI uses models to identify dangerous bacteria and particles in order to identify water contamination issues

    For example, the global network of air pollution monitors can be expanded. When combined with measurements from conventional stations, such devices may be used to close monitoring gaps. In this way, cities will be able to identify contamination as soon as possible with the use of devices distributed to check the water for issues.

  2. Parking systems

    AI-based smart parking systems evaluate parking vacancies using software and hardware devices. They support effective parking operations and have the potential to change and advance the whole parking sector. The applications of AI in parking systems are:

    • Automatically identifying vehicles
    • Live availability of parking spaces
    • Forecasts and predictions on parking availability
  3. Public Transportation

    The use of artificial intelligence in transportation is:

    • With the use of AI technology, users of public transportation may access and get real-time updates and tracking, which enhances efficiency and customer satisfaction. Automated buses are also intended for use in urban areas; they can lower emissions, enhance routes, and operate more frequently.
    • Real-time data of vehicles on the road can be collected using cameras by AI-supported traffic sensor systems, which then send the data to a control centre, which compiles the data from other sites and modifies the signal timings to guarantee seamless transmission services.
  4. Traffic Management

    The combination of traffic management tools and artificial intelligence enables the control offices to quickly identify and track down vehicles that are obstructing traffic in real-time.

    With the aid of an intelligent traffic management system (ITMS), users can use transportation networks in a safer, more effective, coordinated, and smart way. It is described as an advance system that seeks to offer creative ideas about various means of transportation and traffic control.

  5. Maintenance

    Artificial intelligence (AI) offers predictive maintenance to increase availability, decrease accidents, and optimize maintenance needs. Road maintenance is essential to keeping them accessible, secure, and safe in and out of cities. Making the wrong choice could end up costing much more money in the long run or putting cars in risky driving scenarios.

  6. Security

    Computer vision is one of the ways AI is used to improve security cameras. Real-time analysis of the video helps to spot criminal activity so that it may be reported and handled right away. The technology can uncover suspects more quickly than ever thanks to these cameras’ ability to identify people from their attire.

  7. Predicting Future Needs

    AI technology can forecast and assist in planning real estate projects, allowing homes to be listed for sale when they are most required.

    Other than smart cities, it also assists businesses and industries to forecast decisions by accurately estimating the investment costs and returns for the product. The combination of artificial intelligence and big data analysis increases one’s capacity for developing accurate prediction models and forecasts.

    Nowadays, top autonomous engineering colleges are offering courses to individuals who have a strong interest in learning about artificial intelligence.

  8. Energy Tracking

    Cities offer a variety of data that may be real-time collected with IoT devices, including energy use. Automatically adjusting power inputs can result in significant cost savings, more reliable supplies, and fewer outages. With the use of artificial intelligence, it is easy to assess and monitor how much energy is utilised by residents and businesses. With this information, it can be chosen where to employ renewable energy sources.

  9. Waste Management

    With the use of smart city waste management technology, workers can empty bins before they are filled to the brim with garbage or recyclables and before an infestation becomes a problem. The advantage of smart bins is that they up to an 80% decrease in the number of waste collections required, which would require less labour, emissions, fuel, and traffic.

  10. Environment

    AI has the potential to be an effective weapon against climate change. For instance, by 2050, AI-powered self-driving automobiles may cut emissions by half by determining the most effective routes. Higher yields are produced by applying AI in agriculture; Indian peanut producers used AI technology to harvest a 30 per cent greater crop.

    The contribution of AI to smart cities always helps to make informed decisions.