Highest paid Electrical Engineering jobs in India
Electrical Engineering is the recently introduced branch in Engineering. It is all about designing and testing new electrical systems and also developing them. This involves the application of the knowledge of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism to work on various devices and systems. Electrical engineers are usually expected to earn more, which is said to be […]
Difference between Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Many people think Computer Science and Computer Engineering are one and the same. They get that feeling by viewing the terms in an abstract form. When you go deeper, you will understand that even though they have many similarities, there are very basic and striking differences that differentiates them in terms of their concepts and […]
Career options for Electronics and Communications Engineers in India
Today’s world depends on technology to survive and find more employment opportunities. ECE deals with the efficient designing and effective testing of electronic equipments that are used for communication. It is almost impossible to be without gadgets and devices for communication and the role of the Electronics and Communication Engineers become more relevant here. To […]
2nd International Conference on (ICADEE)” during December 10th & 11th, 2020
2nd International Conference on “Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICADEE)” during December 10th & 11th, 2020, Organized by Department of EEE.
Scholarship Test Registration – Date of Exam: 29.04.2020
Scholarship Test Registration – Date of Exam: 29.04.2020
16th Graduation Day-Class of 2019 For Registration
16th Graduation Day-Class of 2019 For Registration Click Here
A National level Workshop on Real-Time Applications
A National level Workshop on Real-Time Applications using LabVIEW with Arduino on 6th December – 2019, Organized by Department of EEEClick Here
A National level Workshop on Modern Industrial Drives
“A National level Workshop on Modern Industrial Drives – Advancements and Applications” on 20th September – 2019, Organized by Department of EEE Click Here