About Library
The library is well furnished with modern facilities and resources in the form of CD / DVD – ROMs, Online Databases, Micro Documents, Books, Journals, Project Reports, Back Volume of Journals, and Video Lessons from NPTEL. The library is using an integrated library management software package (LMS) with all modules for automated library operation and Bar code system. The books are arranged and classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. All students and staff are members of the library and Open Access System is followed in the library.

Library is accommodated in two floors. In the Ground Floor Books for Lending and Reading room are made available. In the First Floor Reference, Rare and costly Books, Books for Higher Education, Journals, Magazines, Back Volume of Journals, Student Projects and Non Book Material (CD’s / DVD’s / Audio Video Lessons) are stacked and also the Digital Library is situated.
The Library is also offering a number of information services to its users with professionally qualified staff using the printed and electronic resources and equipments.
It is kept open for 12 hours (8.00 am to 8.00 pm) with Internet browsing facility for all its users.
As the veritable abode of Knowledge, the Central Library of KCE houses,
- 80,228 Volumes
- 28,099 Titles
- 9000 + E Journals ( IEEE, Springer, J-Gate and Delnet)
- 10,680 E Books
- 293 National Journals
- 190 Magazines
- 12,380 Back volumes
- 6926 Project reports
- 3692 Non Book material
- Reprography
Library Timings: 8 am to 8 pm and Timings on Holidays: 9 am to 1 pm
Classification System
- The Library books are classified according to the Dewey decimal classification.
- OPAC help in locating books on the shelves is provided
- Books are arranged on the shelves in numerical order
- UG & PG Students and Staff members
- UG Students – 3 Books ( I and II Year)
- UG Students – 4 Books (III and Final Year)
- PG Students – 6 Books
- Staff members – 6 Books (if required, additional books issued with requisition)
Library Sections
- Technical Section
- Circulation Section
- Reference Section
- Periodical Section
- Stack Section
Technical Section
- Books accessing
- Classification
- Seal and Bar code affixing
- Binding work
- Updating in computerStack Section
- Staff / Student registration
Circulation Section
- 250- 350 books are daily issued and returned
- Books are issued through smart cards
- The due date of returning is 15 days (Students)
- The due date of returning is 120 days (Staff)
Reference Section
- 2793 Books available
- Dictionaries
- Thesaurus
- Encyclopedias
- Syllabus Text and reference books
- Project reports
- Year books
Periodical Section
- Journals & Magazines
- News Papers
- Back volumes
- Newsletters
- Annual reports
E – Resources
S.No | Name of the E-Resources | Website |
1 | IEEE (All Society Periodicals on Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics Engineering & related disciplines) | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org |
2 | Springer ( Engineering, Computer Science and Management) | http://link.springer.com |
3 | National Programme On Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) | https://nptel.ac.in |
4 | National Digital Library of India (NDLI) | http://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in |
5 | Delnet | http://delnet.in |
Computerized Library
The Library is computerized (web based) and this provides information about the books to the students and staff. Transaction like issue/return are done through the barcode technology.
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
S.No | Name | Designation | Qualification |
1 | B. Subramanian | Librarian | M.A., M.L.I.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D |
2 | P. Kannan | Asst. Librarian | B.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., |
3 | A. Vignesh Kumar | Asst. Librarian | M.L.I.Sc., |
4 | M. Muniyaselvam | Asst. Librarian | B.Sc., M.L.I.Sc |
5 | V. Deepika | Asst. Librarian | B.A., M.L.I.Sc |
6 | S. Shanmugasundaram | Library Asst. | B. Com., |
7 | V. Masilamani | Library Asst. | B.A., B.Ed., |
8 | M. Jagadeesh | Attender |