Department of EEE

National Seminar/workshops/FDPs/STTPs organized:

Conducted a Guest Lecture on Engineer’s Day on 20.09.2014.
Conducted a Guest Lecture on Challenges Of Electrical Engineers In Their Profession on 02.08.2014.
Conducted a Workshop on Robo Galaxy 2014 from 30.07.2014 to 31.07.2014.
Conducted a Seminar on PLC based Automation of oil and pump lane on 15.07.2014.
Organized a Workshop on Lab Veiw based graphical system design from 27.02.2014 and 28.02.2014.
Conducted a Technical Symposium YANTHRA-2K14on 23.09.2014.
CLAD for Everyone (Core 1) – 12.09.2015, 13.09.2015, 19.09.2015, 20.09.2015.03.10.2015 & 04.10.2015.
IEEE Student Branch Sponsored Two Day Workshop on Programming in MATLAB/SIMULINK for Electrical Engineers – 21.09.2015 & 22.09.2015.
Workshop on “An overview of Continuous Improvement in Outcome Based Education” – 26.09.2015.
Faculty Development Programme on “Circuit Theory” – 07.12.2015 to 13.12.2015.
National Level Workshop on ”Simulation of IEEE Transaction Papers on Multilevel Inverters” – 19.12.2015.
IEEE Student Branch Sponsored Workshop on “Latex for Research Publications” – 06.02.2016.
National Conference on “Recent Evolutions of Computer and Electronics in Power Technologies – 2016” .
Energy Cell Inauguration – 02.03.2016.
Guest lecture on “SOLAR PV SYSTEMS AND ITS SELECTION CRITERIA“, organized by EEE department on 29th June 16.
National level Workshop on “ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM SIMULATION USING LABVIEW”, organized by EEE department during 18th& 19th March17.
One day national level workshop on “LABVIEW BASICS”, organized by EEE department on 23rd August 16.
Two days SEEE sponsored national level workshop on “ ASTERING MATLAB POWER ELECTRONICS TOOL BOX”, organized by EEE department on 14th and 15th October 16.
Anna University approved Seven Days Faculty Development Training Programme on “EE6601 – SOLID STATE DRIVES”, organized by EEE department during 9th to 17th December 16.
Seminar Series on “SIMULATING POWER ELECTRONICS DEVICES USING MATLAB” in association with KCE-SEEE ‘Robotics and Automation Society’. organized by EEE department during 20h to 24h December 16.
SEEE sponsored Two day National Level workshop on “MATLAB FOR POWER SYSTEM APPLICATIONS”, organized by EEE department during 27hand 28th January 17.
Guest Lecture on “APPLICATION OF SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING”, organized by EEE department on 31st January 17.
One day Seminar on“AN OVERVIEW OF AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS”, organized by EEE department on 14th February 17.
National Level Workshop on “MODELLING OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION”, organized by EEE department on 21st February 17.
IEEE SB-KCE sponsored FDP on “ENTERPRISE APPLICATION”, organized by EEE department during 25st February 17.
IEEE SB KCE sponsored Guest Lecture on “OPPORTUNITIES FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AS TESTING ENGINEERS”, organized by EEE department on 09th March17.
Guest Lecture on “MAINTENANCE AND OPPORTUNITIES IN CEMENT INDUSTRY”, organized by EEE department on 13th March17.
A national level seminar on modern trends in industrial energy auditing and management was organized on 16th March2018.
A national level Faculty Development Programme on design and development of feedback controllers for power electronics converters based system was conducted during 23rd to 25th November 2017.
Guest Lecture on “PLC and SCADA Industrial Perspective” was organized on16th Dec 2017.
Seminar on “Practical aspects of operation and management of electric power distribution in TNEB was conducted on 11th Dec2017.
A national level workshop on MATLAB/Simulink based hands on training on power engineering and control aiding topologies was conducted during 03rd to 5th January 2018.
A national level workshop on Recent Trend in Smart Electrical Drives was conducted on 20th January 2018.
A Workshop on sensor based automation and control techniques was conducted on 1st Feb 2018.
ICCTEEE 2018 (International Conference) was conducted during 27th and 28th February 2018.
A Guest Lecture on Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering was organized on 9th March2018.
An ISTE sponsored national level workshop on Development of renewable Energy Sources for Rural Electrification was conducted during 9th and 10th March 2018.
International Conference (ISCO-2019) on “Intelligent Systems and Control” was conducted during 10th and 11th January 2019.
Guest lecture on “Power Plant and Substation Automation” was organised on 08th September 2018.
Guest lecture on “Electrical Machines and Transformers” was organised on 18th September 2018.
CSIR Sponsored Workshop on “Bloom Box – The Future Energy in India” was conducted during 27th and 28th September 2018.
Guest lecture on “Green Electronics” was organised on 28th September 2018.
Guest lecture on “Recent Trends in Power Plant Instrumentation” was organized on 27th November 2018.
A National Level Workshop on “MATLAB/Simulink Based Hands on Training on power Electronics Converters Based Systems and their Controllers” was conducted during 27th to 29th November 2018.
Guest lecture on “The Future of Automation in industry” was organized on 18th December 2018.
Guest lecture on “Semiconductor Industry – Accelerating the future” was organized on 10th January 2019.
Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) of Karpagam College of Engineering, organised a Guest lecture in association with EEE department on “Energy Management Techniques in Smart and Micro Grid” on 06th July 2019.
A Guest lecture on “Recent Trends in Automotive Motors” was conducted on 8th July 2019
A Guest lecture on “Internet of Things (IoT)” was conducted on 24th July 2019
Organised a workshop on “Hands-on Training in Arduino” from 21stto 27nd August 2019& 27th to 31st August 2019.
A Guest lecture on “Power Plant Engineering and Recent Trends in Renewable Energy” was conducted on 7thAugust 2019.
Organized an Alumni Meet on 26th August 2019, 28th August 2019, 29th August 2019 and 1st October 2019 respectively.
Conducted a Guest Lecture on “Energy Conservation” on 27th August 2019.
A Guest lecture on “Power Quality and Renewable Energy” was conducted on 30th September 2019
A National Level Workshop on “Modern Industrial Drives – Advancements and Applications” was organized on 20th September 2019.
Signed MOU with RRT Electro Power (P) Ltd, Chennai on 20th September 2019.
Electronics Club of EEE department organized a workshop on “Wiring and Winding of Motors” from 30th September 2019 to 3rd October 2019.
Electronics Club of EEE department organized workshop on “Wiring and Winding of Motors”from 16th December 2019 to 18th December 2019.
13th International Conference on “Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” (ICADEE’2020) was organized from 6th February 2020 and 7th February 2020.
A National Level workshop on “Real Time Applications using LABVIEW with Arduino” was organized on 6th December 2019.
A National Level workshop on “Journal writing, IPR and Patent filing” was organized on 13th December 2019.
A Guest lecture on “Energy Conservation” was Conducted on 18th December 2019.
A Guest lecture on “Advanced Industrial Robotics and Automation” was organized on 19th December 2019
Two days National level workshop on “Soft Computing techniques using MATLAB” was organizedfrom 23rd January 2020 and 24th January 2020
Conducted a national level workshop on “Energy Audit and Management” on 25th January 2020
One day National level workshop on “Industrial Automation using PLC & SCADA” was organized on 1st February 2020
Technical and Non-technical Events such as Carom Competition, Photography Competition, Technical Quiz, Cricket Match, Essay writing and Debate were organized on 27th August 2019, 11th December 2019, 18th December 2019 and 13th February 2020 respectively.
A Webinar on “Engineering in reality” was conducted on 25th April 2020
A Webinar on “Automation Products and PLC selection” was organized on 2nd may 2020
A Webinar on “Sand to Circuits” was conducted on 6th May 2020
A Webinar on "Introduction To Photonics And Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques" was organized on 8th May 2020
A Webinar on " Mobile Robots " was conducted on 10th May 2020
A Webinar on " IPR Building Awareness & Capturing Values "was organized on 18th May 2020
A Webinar on "Global Trends & Opportunities In Transportation Industry" was organized on 19th May 2020
A Webinar on "Railway Signaling Techniques" was conducted on 19th May 2020
A Webinar on "Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing"" was organized on 20th May 2020